It was an evening of 20 months back when I heard the first cry from my lovely child. It was heart breaking and I wanted to sooth him immediately. But my condition put me in a silent prayer. Surely, every mom will feel
the same urge at that very moment. First thing that came to my mind was, is my baby all right? We kept our sunshine within our own body for more than 9 months, taking great care of them, handling them gently with so much love. And we are impatient to see him in the real world in front of our eyes.
I saw my baby, after a few cries, and I fed him while motherly love bundling him with pride and happiness although exhausted and surprised at the same time. He was so tiny and his head looked lopsided and sunken. His skin blotchy while his hair appeared straight long and black. The umbilical cord was clamped with forceps. His eyes were closed at first, but after a few seconds, he was looking at me with dark brown eyes. It looked like he wanted to talk to me and had such a familiar attached feeling.
After a few minutes we were moved to a room where he was loved and welcomed by his dear dad. Soon he was surrounded by family relations and friends. He was closing his eyes most but sometimes blinked and moved from side to side. I thought it might be the happy movements around him and he was partaking in his way. He was born active making fast movements with arms and legs. Within the first day I heard a lot of different sounds from my baby. Sometimes it was a little soft cry or a loud cry, snoring, snuffling and sneezing. And then the hiccups alerted me most and I got different ideas from people around, to make it go away. And the most effective idea for me was placing a small wet cotton ball over baby’s forehead.