Friday, October 28, 2011

How can you be beautiful?

Some people think that fairness is the beauty. If a girl is having a lighter skin tone, most will describe her as a beautiful girl. But real beauty is not the color of your skin. Every human being, like flowers, is beautiful in his/her own way. And a person seems to be more beautiful, when she believes in her beauty. Look at yourself in a mirror with a positive imagination! Are not you beautiful?

We adore flowers for their beauty. What part of the flower attracts us most? Definitely it is the petals. They distinguish the flowers and bring all the attention to it. Tube flowers, composite flowers, Pink rose, white rose, white lily and the names go on and on. The most beautiful flower for me may not be your number one. So you may not be the most beautiful to the whole mankind. But surely, you can be a true beauty, at least to yourself.

If the petals of the flower is dried or damaged by pests or carelessness, then it becomes unattractive. The beauty in it gets lost. The same thing happens to us. If you are not taking care of your body from head to toe, then its beauty will be vanishing day by day. For instance, your hair! You wash it daily, put some hair cream and leave it. Never mind whether it’s wet or dry, and don’t care about the dandruff and hair fall. Definitely one day you will feel sorry for avoiding your beautiful hair. So love and honor your body as much as you do for your newborn baby.

If you are loving your body and taking great care of it, surely it will be the most beautiful. You don’t have to look like a Barbie doll or princess, to be beautiful. And if you’re busy schedule is not giving you enough time to make home remedies to take care of the damages to your body, then you can easily grab quality products and treat it before the damages cost you fortunes!