Everybody wants to know how to get luckier. Why do you think people keep buying good luck charms and listening to superstitions? Why do you think astrologists and fortune tellers are still in demand today?
Everybody wants to know what their future holds and particularly, if their future will be a good one. Well, I'm here to tell you that learning how to get luckier is indeed possible. Just follow these steps and hopefully, you'll be cleansed of all negative energy.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
The Best Beauty Tips
A poem written by Sam Levenson stole my heart. I’ve been reading it almost everyday, just to remind myself about the “Time Tested Beauty Tips”.
I learnt from some sources that these are the beauty secrets of the famous actress Audrey Hepburn. I’m sure it must be the beauty tips we all must follow. Your inner beauty is more important than the physical look of you. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” ~Kahil Gibran~
Here is the great poem. Follow it to give an inner radiance for the physical glow.
Self improvements
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Want to know how to Defeat Your Food Cravings
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Eating without thinking about your body will definitely make you unfit and fat. When it happens you start to compare yourself with others, with full of negative thoughts. And that lead to a less confident YOU! Therefore, you must do your best, to have a beautiful, healthy body and to be a more confident person.
Here is an article I read on dumblittleman.com. I found this article interesting, so I'm sharing it with you. Hope you'll like it.
Here is an article I read on dumblittleman.com. I found this article interesting, so I'm sharing it with you. Hope you'll like it.
8 Out of the Ordinary Approaches to Defeating Your Food Cravings
Do you feel like you can’t lose weight because you struggle with cravings?
Has a gnawing, insatiable want hijacked your healthy eating plan?
Chocolate, candy, potato chips, pizza, steak, coffee, ice-cream, salt or what have you —most of us battle these cravings.
But we don’t have to.
Are you ready to defeat them? If so let's dive in and reveal what you can do to conquer your dangerous moments without regret.
- Drink, Drink, Drink
First off, if you’re dehydrated, you’re likely to feel wiped out. When you’re pooped liked that, chances are you’ll be craving a stimulant in the form of sugar or caffeine - think chocolate or coffee.
So drink a glass of water — yes, plain water. By the time your body tells you you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. And, dehydration occurs as mild hunger. So… glug, glug, glug and make it a habit to drink a glass of water every couple hours. - Why You Need to Sleep More
If you’re majorly stressed, or suffer from insomnia or sleep deprivation, you’re probably exhausted much of the time.
I know about this; believe me! It took seven years and an entire collection of My Little Pony before my daughter slept through the night. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture — don’t underestimate it.
Adrenal imbalance causes your body to call upon your adrenal glands for more stress hormones to act as a pick-me-up, but over time, your adrenals become less able to respond appropriately. Chances are, you’ll resort to sugar or carbohydrate snacks or coffee during the day and carbohydrates or alcohol at night, all of which exacerbate the problem.
I seriously recommend finding a way to chill and give your adrenals a break. I’ve found meditation and exercise such as yoga to be a blessing. A hectic cardio workout is not going to help here. Keep it on the calm side.
- The Shocking Truth About Boredom and Dissatisfaction
Being bored or dissatisfied with a particular situation, such as work or a cruddy relationship, or life in general, is the number one cause for filling up on undesirables.
“The longing for sweets is really a yearning for love or sweetness,” wrote Jungian analyst Marion Woodman and she was spot on. So often we try to fill the void with eating. Instead, take time to reflect and assess what’s really going on.
Dr. Oz suggests that it helps to realize that emotional hunger onset is sudden and urgent, while physical hunger is gradual and patient.
Fully facing this kind of eating may lead to some serious soul searching. You may want to consult someone if it becomes overwhelming. But when food is masking a deeper dissatisfaction, no amount of the fix will take away the pain or frustration. Work on healing that and then the cravings will naturally disappear.
- How to Change Bad Habits
Psychology professor Debra Zellner, Ph.D., draws the conclusion that our cravings are predominantly determined by habit rather than biological need.
You know how you fall back to habit in times of stress rather than creatively brainstorming fresh approaches? Well the same is true here. When you’re stressed, she argues, your generally strong restraint flies out the window and thoughts about comfort foods come rushing in.
So how do we avoid this stress trigger cycle? According to Zeller, we should:
- Indulge on occasion: By making certain foods “taboo,” we tend to make a dash for them when our defenses are shot. The alternative is to have that chocolate once in a while and de-demonize it. Enjoy a bowl of ice cream now and then. Don’t associate certain foods with the ‘forbidden fruits.’
- Mix up your patterns: Just as with Pavlov’s dogs, Zeller continues, a stimulus produces an automatic, virtually involuntary response in each of us. Figure out if predictable times or places make your cravings appear. Then, change your indulgence time and place, shake up the predictable and don’t create a mindless pattern.
- Make healthy associations: Find healthy foods that you enjoy and make a habit of eating those at stressful times instead. For me, I’ve trained myself to crunch on cucumbers. Granted, we always need to have cucumbers in the house, but it definitely beats chocolate!
To find the other four approaches, Click here >>
Self improvements
Friday, January 20, 2012
How To Be Calm, Cool and Collected In 3 Easy Steps
Why do we need to know how to be calm, cool and collected? That's because all of us get stressed. The things we have to do and the problems we have to solve - they never seem to end.
With too much on our plate and too little time to do them efficiently, sometimes we can't help but feel frustrated and angry over the little things that don't go our way. This is why it's important to keep ourselves together, especially during crises.
Learning how to be calm, cool and collected during difficult times puts you ahead of the game and separates the leader from the rest.
When faced with an emergency, it's important to keep all these emotions at bay. This will help in ensuring that we still perform our best despite the pressure.
Here are a few things that could help you to be calm, cool and collected in times where we might just blow off.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
How To Have Great Self Confidence Everyday
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In today's world, there is absolutely no room anymore for shrinking violets. You have to know how to have great self confidence, put yourself out there, shine a spotlight on yourself, and astound the world with your presence. Hey, having supreme self-esteem and applying a few job negotiation tips can almost guarantee that you'll get your dream job anytime!
This isn't a problem for people who are brimming with self esteem, but what about those who have yet to figure out how to have great self confidence?
It's no big mystery and isn't really something that's programmed into people's chromosomes from birth - it can be cultivated. For all you know, that cool and assured person you've been admiring had to work hard to conquer his shyness.
It usually starts with possessing a healthy amount of self esteem. If you don't know the good qualities you possess, or if you don't believe you have anything worthwhile to offer the world, how can you move forward to success? Here are some tips to help you build your confidence level.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
How To Feel Good Everyday In 5 Simple Steps
Want to know how to feel good everyday? It doesn't take rocket science. Unfortunately, in today's fast paced world, majority of the population have forgotten just how to do that.
To get you back on track, here are 5 easy steps on how to feel good everyday.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Time Management Tips for Unmanageable and Disorganized People
How do you know if you are in dire need of time management tips for unmanageable and disorganized people? Ask yourself: Do I feel as though I'm constantly busy and harassed and yet I never seem to get anything done? Why is it I can never find free time to do the things I want? Is my time even really my own? If you answered "yes," "I don't know," and "no" - in that order - then it's probably time to read up on helpful time management books or articles. One of the highly recommended books is "Time Management for
Unmanageable People" by Anne Mcgee-Cooper.
Here are some time management tips that may help you manage time and enjoy a balanced life.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Smiling Facts That Prove How Smiling Can Change The World
There are many smiling facts that can encourage you to smile more, even when you're having a bad day. It's true, the world does look more beautiful when you are showing your pearly whites (or yellowish, it doesn't matter!).
Smiling has a lot of benefits, not only to you but also to those around you. Read on for some fascinating smiling facts that will help you stay positive and keep you beaming longer.
Self improvements
Friday, January 6, 2012
How to shape your Lips
Lips-the most attractive part of your face. Sam Levenson, in his poem 'time tested beauty tips', wrote that ''For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.'' Ofcourse the status of your heart determines what a beautiful person you are.
Although you must work on your physical beauty too. And here is a video by a youtube beauty guru, DiamondsAndHeels14, on how to shape your lips in 30 seconds!
watch and take the idea :)
Although you must work on your physical beauty too. And here is a video by a youtube beauty guru, DiamondsAndHeels14, on how to shape your lips in 30 seconds!
watch and take the idea :)
Self improvements
Thursday, January 5, 2012
How to Gain Self-Confidence - Remarkable Tips to Build Up Your Confidenc
When you learn how to gain self-confidence, the overall result would only be advantageous to you. Professionally, a self-confident person easily gets hired and promoted. In terms of relationships, a self-confident person attracts more people. In transactions and negotiations, a self-confident person can hold his or her own by being assertive. How to gain self-confidence is a matter you must look into closely, because as you can see, this would have far-reaching effects in your life.
People get confidence in a number of ways. Some take it from achievement, others from being loved, others by being productive for the sake of contributing something to the world.
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